The next steps in building Australia's spatial data infrastructure
Information is like wine, technology is like fish: the next steps in building Australia's spatial data infrastructure
Foundation spatial data is utilised widely across different community sectors and is critical for public safety or national problem-solving. These datasets include addresses, administrative boundaries, place names, transport, imagery, water, elevation and depth, property, and positioning.
Geoscience Australia will demonstrate two platforms which support the implementation of a modern infrastructure for location information: the LINK, which describes the trusted foundation spatial datasets and supporting business information; and ELVIS, which now provides free, open and offline access to many of Australia's foundation spatial datasets. The seminar will outline next steps to improve discoverability, viewability, data quality and time to market.
Branch Head Simon Costello has worked for over 16 years with Geoscience Australia, PSMA Australia and the United Nations in the establishment and management of national geographic datasets and products. At Geoscience Australia he has managed a range of collaborative geospatial and modelling programs with states, industry and other Australian Government departments for geographic information management and critical infrastructure modelling programs.
Rob Newham has worked for GA since 2004 and has been involved with numerous projects. His career has transitioned from data production through to data management, modelling and analysis. In the last 18 months Rob has been involved with the development of the Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) LINK project.
Shane Crossman is Project Leader of Elevation Data Delivery within Geoscience Australia's National Location Information Branch. He has an Associate Diploma in Engineering in Land Information Sciences and over 20 years professional experience in the application of Elevation and GIS to a range of issues in relation to topographic mapping and emergency management.
This talk is presented as part of the Wednesday Seminar Series.
Date: 07 June 2017
Time: 11.00am
Location: Sir Harold Raggatt Theatre, Geoscience Australia
Cost/bookings: Free, No bookings required
Audience: Technical
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