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Mapping the state of diversity and inclusion in the space, spatial and surveying sector

Peak industry leaders have joined forces to establish a baseline for the state of diversity and inclusion across the space, spatial and surveying profession. The landmark sector-wide Inclusion@Work Index provides rich insights to help us shape diversity and inclusion programs that are responsive to the needs of our changing workforce, and ultimately boost employee productivity and wellbeing. Over 1,000 people participated in the inaugural study over a six-week period from 16 August to 20 September 2021, and the early results are in.

Of the 1,070 participants, 37% are female and the median age is 44 years. 37% of respondents were born overseas speaking 70 different languages and represent over 100 cultural backgrounds. 8% of respondents are people with a disability and 10% identify as LGBTIQ+.

“This is the first time we have a baseline to help us understand whether different parts of our sector are reporting less experience with inclusion and more exclusion than others based on their background,” says Amelia Davies, Chair of the Space, Spatial and Surveying Diversity Leadership Network.

“We are a data-driven industry, and the results from the Inclusion@Work Index will give us the data to pinpoint the areas where we are doing well, provide an evidence-base for the impact that inclusion can have on productivity and innovation and help us identify where we fall short of national benchmarks”.

The Inclusion@Work Index covers three broad areas: 

  1. The diversity demographics of respondents, compared to the ‘Australian workforce’ as derived from findings from a nationally representative survey of 3,000 Australian workers.
  2. Respondent’s experience of inclusion, broken down into diversity cohorts, business, government and academic groups and compared to the Australian workforce.
  3. The impact of inclusion on performance and wellbeing.

A sector-wide report will be released in early 2022 to provide further insights into what we can learn about the state of our sector and how we can all benefit from a fairer and more inclusive culture.