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ANZLIC comprises ten senior officials from the Australian and New Zealand Governments, and the governments of the States and Territories of Australia.

They are generally responsible within their jurisdiction for coordinating spatial information policy and operational matters. ANZLIC meets three times per year.

Your ANZLIC member can be contacted through your ANZLIC Contact Officer.

Maree Wilson
Chief of Place & Communities Division
Geoscience Australia
Australian Government

Melissa Harris PSM
Registrar of Titles
Chief Executive, Land Use Victoria
Department of Transport and Planning

Sandy Carruthers
ANZLIC co-Deputy Chair
Executive Director
Strategy, Science and Corporate Services, and Chief Information Officer
Department for Environment and Water
South Australia

Stuart Fletcher
ANZLIC co-Deputy Chair
General Manager
Heritage and Land Tasmania
Department of Natural Resources and Environment

Rishi Dutta
Executive Group Manager
Customer Data and Technology
Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate
Australian Capital Territory

Narelle Underwood
Surveyor-General & Executive Director
Spatial Services
Department of Customer Service
New South Wales

Aaron Jordan
Head of Location Information
Toitū Te Whenua, Land Information New Zealand
New Zealand Government

Richard Smith
Senior Director
Land Information
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
Northern Territory

Steven Jacoby PSM
Executive Director
Spatial Information
Department of Resources

Trish Scully
Chief Executive
Western Australia

The Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying & Mapping (ICSM) is a Standing Committee of ANZLIC.  ICSM's role is to provide leadership, coordination and standards for surveying, mapping and charting; and facilitate the assemblage and maintenance of national framework datasets.  For more information visit the ICSM Website.